105 - 3957 Lakeshore road, Kelowna, BC 778-477-3811

Compliance Packaging

Taking multiple medications is sometimes necessary to achieve your health goal. Unfortunately, this can also cause confusion and risk to health. At Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, Lakeshore road, we help our patients avoid this risk by dispensing their medication in a blister pack to increase compliance, reduce risk and make it easier to keep up with your regimen. 

Most times, we will also include our patients' over-the-counter medications in their blister packs so it is organized to avoid drug interactions between the different medications. Most of our compliance packs go out weekly and includes free local delivery if desired.

As with all medications, we understand the importance of communicating with your physician and resolving issues that might arise from your medications. Our patients are encourages to always ask any questions they might have about their drug regimen.

If you are interested in more information about our compliance packs (blister packs), get in touch so we can discuss how we can contribute to your health goals. Call us at 778-477-3811 or follow the link below to get in touch.


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